Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This is the last of a series of sunset that I clicked in 2008.For most people last year has been tough.

With the hope that 2009 will be a happy one and , a year of revelation for all .... Anisha-Towards light.

I will put up the original pic later on this page, while you are here do let me know if you like the effect that I have given here?


  1. Wow, its gorgeous. Amazing, love it!!

  2. Mini this is beautiful. What camera do you use ? And what effects did you use on this ? The composition os great .

  3. Thankyou Eve- I use a Sony Cybershot.
    The effect is simple Picasa focal B&W.

  4. Mini..the setting sun appears brighter than I expected..

    I too use SonyCybershot...but am good at sunday sharpshooting only..

  5. This was taken with twilight mode about 10 min before sunset. other than focal W&W no other affect has been given here.

  6. beautiful, looks like one is watching the sunrise in grand canyon:)


Do you have any clue?
How important is your view?
Did I just see you drop a word?
Ohh! Thank you, Thank You!!